주성분 분석(PCA)

주성분 분석



June 11, 2023



차원축소(dimension reduction) : PCA(Principal Component Analysis)

secu_com_finance_2007 <- read.csv("secu_com_finance_2007.csv",
                                  header = TRUE, 
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

V1 : 총자본순이익율

V2 : 자기자본순이익율

V3 : 자기자본비율

V4 : 부채비율

V5 : 자기자본회전율

# 표준화 변환 (standardization)
secu_com_finance_2007 <- transform(secu_com_finance_2007, 
                                   V1_s = scale(V1), 
                                   V2_s = scale(V2), 
                                   V3_s = scale(V3), 
                                   V4_s = scale(V4),
                                   V5_s = scale(V5))

V1,V2,V3,V5는 숫자가 클 수록 좋고 V4는 숫자가 클수록 안좋다.

즉, V4의 방향을 변환(표준화된 이후의 max 값에서 표준화된 이후의 관찰값을 뺌)

# 부채비율(V4_s)을 방향(max(V4_s)-V4_s) 변환
secu_com_finance_2007 <- transform(secu_com_finance_2007, 
                                    V4_s2 = max(V4_s) - V4_s)
# variable selection
secu_com_finance_2007_2 <- secu_com_finance_2007[,c("company", "V1_s", "V2_s", "V3_s", "V4_s2", "V5_s")]
# Correlation analysis
round(cor(secu_com_finance_2007_2[,-1]), digits=3)
V1_s V2_s V3_s V4_s2 V5_s
V1_s 1.000 0.617 0.324 0.355 0.014
V2_s 0.617 1.000 -0.512 -0.466 0.423
V3_s 0.324 -0.512 1.000 0.937 -0.563
V4_s2 0.355 -0.466 0.937 1.000 -0.540
V5_s 0.014 0.423 -0.563 -0.540 1.000
A matrix: 5 × 5 of type dbl
# Scatter plot matrix

# 주성분분석 PCA(Principal Component Analysis)
secu_prcomp <- prcomp(secu_com_finance_2007_2[,c(2:6)]) # 첫번째 변수 회사명은 빼고 분석
Importance of components:
                          PC1    PC2    PC3     PC4     PC5
Standard deviation     1.6618 1.2671 0.7420 0.25311 0.13512
Proportion of Variance 0.5523 0.3211 0.1101 0.01281 0.00365
Cumulative Proportion  0.5523 0.8734 0.9835 0.99635 1.00000
Standard deviations (1, .., p=5):
[1] 1.6617648 1.2671437 0.7419994 0.2531070 0.1351235

Rotation (n x k) = (5 x 5):
              PC1        PC2           PC3          PC4         PC5
V1_s   0.07608427 0.77966993  0.0008915975  0.140755404  0.60540325
V2_s  -0.39463007 0.56541218 -0.2953216494 -0.117644166 -0.65078503
V3_s   0.56970191 0.16228156  0.2412221065  0.637721889 -0.42921686
V4_s2  0.55982770 0.19654293  0.2565972887 -0.748094314 -0.14992183
V5_s  -0.44778451 0.08636803  0.8881182665  0.003668418 -0.05711464

# Scree Plot
plot(prcomp(secu_com_finance_2007_2[,c(2:6)]), type="l",
      sub = "Scree Plot")

  • 3개 주성분이 적합
# Biplot
biplot(prcomp(secu_com_finance_2007_2[,c(2:6)]), cex = c(0.7, 0.8))
 # 관측치별 주성분1, 주성분2 점수 계산(PC1 score, PC2 score)
secu_pc1 <- predict(secu_prcomp)[,1]
secu_pc2 <- predict(secu_prcomp)[,2]
# 관측치별 이름 매핑(rownames mapping)
 text(secu_pc1, secu_pc2, labels = secu_com_finance_2007_2$company, cex = 0.7, pos = 3, col = "blue")
ERROR: Error in text.default(secu_pc1, secu_pc2, labels = secu_com_finance_2007_2$company, : invalid string in PangoCairo_Text